Friday, September 18, 2009

good or bad dreams

in four years of working in the EMS field i have responded to many different places for many different things but honestly none has been more rediculous then the one i ran monday night. I have ran i calls such as 'toe pain'..such as 'outer ear pain' many many many...but none as rediculous as a person calling 9-1-1 for....( i mean i was always taught that ambulance service, fire dept. medical aides, and first responders are for emergencies..isn't that why we are called emergency medical technicians? I understand that to every patient their situation is an emergency to them...people alot of the time don't understand why they feel a certian way so they call 9-1-1..which is fine and i am there to help) but seriously who calls for.. and you are gonna laugh when you hear ready...they called because they had a NIGHTMARE... crazy right? no rediculous!!!! i thought it was some kind of a joke at first..or someone in need of alot of help but wasn't able to communicate that when they called..always thier for my patients giving them the benifit of the doubt..but when we arrived the patient walked out of thier home and said yes they had a nightmare and that they don't need us now..we stepped back into to the ambulance and informed our dispatcher that we were cancelled and that the patient really only had a nightmare...the response from dispatch was a 'copy' and then an annonymous voice from one of our other employees came over the radio with 'i see dead people' .........

my thought now is that at the end of the world when any nonbeliever stands before God at the judgment seat..will not be able to blame thier unbelief on a nightmare, won't be able to call 9-1-1 for help....and will realize that spiritualy thier whole lives they were the 'dead people walking'.........

do you have nightmares? do you have nightmares just thinking about the judgment seat? or is that whole picture of standing before God a beautiful dream? we only live once for a short time on earth but when Jesus comes back we will live eternally in only one of two places..which one are you going to be living at? and is eternaly life a beautiful dream or a.... nightmare?

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